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Humanitarian writing gathers in Rome

Published by at 4 January, 2018

The works by novelists and poets lend their voice to the literary talent at the 2nd Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation Cultural Event, that took place at the San Luigi Guanella Theatre in Rome (Italy) in October 2017.

The Italian writer Marisa Toscano took part in the event and presented the poem.

El evento contó con la participación de la escritora italiana Marisa Toscano, que presentó la poesía “…E poi Barcellona” to the rhythm La vita è bella by Nicola Piovani, interpreted by the Italian dancer Francesca Ghisio Erba.

Click here to learn more about her career.


Mr. Francesco Mauro, poet and renowned Italian painter presented some of his paintings and also the poems Il mare and L’albero solitario.

Click here to learn more about his career.


French poet Anthony Ierano participated with his poem La Malformation de Chiari in the event, read by his mother, Misses Marie Thèrese Ierano.

Click here to learn more about her career.


The successful Russian writer Natalia Kalinina dedicated her novel The Black Book’s Secret to Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador and the ICSEB team. Some of her most known works were presented during the event.

Click here to learn more about her career.

The cultural solidarity event in support of patients with the diagnoses of the Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type I, idiopathic Syringomyelia and Scoliosis and other conditions related to the Filum Disease was organized by the Chiari & Scoliosis & Syringomyelia Foundation (CSSf), in cooperation with the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona (ICSEB) and the association AI.SAC.SI.SCO Onlus.

The CSSf, ICSEB and AI.SAC.SI.SCO want to wholeheartedly thank the two performers for sharing their talent and encouraging others to express their art. .

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